This is a report on the world as it stands currently, as compiled by Revor Tillet, an accomplished explorer and journalist. None of these are to be regarded as accurate, but only estimations by Mr. Tillet. He has made this compilation for his own use, but sold the rights to the volumes he has created so that others interested in such a subject can read up on it without having to do the traveling themselves.

First entry, the first of August, 2084:

City: New York Enclave

Old world location and name: New York, New York. Current population: Human - 2 million, Furfolk - 50 thousand

Current leader: Killiean Murket, human. Age approx. 44 Current Enclave status: Prosperous

Old New York was a natural focal and gathering point for the few remaining individuals of humanity, always thought of as a gateway to freedom and hope. Most of the east coast, what was left of it, converged on the now empty city and made it home. A single individual soon rose to power, by the name of Mark Salmist. He quickly took charge, appointed a security force that was to patrol the populace and gather likely recruits to be inducted into the force as well.

Soon after, a wall was started around the outskirts of the city to protect from the continuing fear of the furfolk of the time. The wall still stands today, but not to protect from the furfolk anymore. Rather, it has proven a very effective deterrent from raiders and other bands of brigands that roam the wastes outside the city walls. (Note: everyone knows they aren't wastes, but it seems appropriate with how desolate it is past a certain range of the city.) It is currently peaceable to travelers, as long as they cause no trouble.

City: Lost Angels Enclave

Old world location and name: Los Angles, California

Current population: N/A

Current leader: N/A

Current Enclave status: N/A

City: Brigam Enclave

Old world Location and name: Salt Lake city, Utah

Current population: N/A

Current Leader: John Smith

Current Enclave status: Xenophobic; Unknown

City: Republic of Texas

Old world location and name:Houston, Texas

Current population: 200,000 humans, 60,000 furfolk.

Current Leader: Ron Cowpuncher (unknown if real or assumed name)

Current Enclave status: Lawless, very rough and uncontrolled.

Other cities to follow, and status updates for cities mentioned and not expanced on.